TyCal K9 For Sale

About Our Dogs

We receive every dog at an extremely young age so we can properly socialize them with children and a plethora of differing situations. Our mission is to better your canine so he or she can then better your life. 

TyCalK9 fully guarantees that every dog will be confident, stable, and dependable. Prices vary depending on breed and training level. 

With years of experience, we have strong business relationships with some of the top breeders in the country. Get the best of the best when you shop with us.

Our master dog trainers guarantee that every K9 comes ready for real-world situations. We have the dedication, time, and knowledge to guarantee that all of our dogs are prepared to serve your family.

It’s vitally important that each potential owner takes each canine seriously. One must be fully prepared to own and handle each dog. Incorrect handling can ruin any dog and reinforce bad habits. We offer 24/7 support for all of our dogs, call or text for any concerns or questions. 

At TycalK9 we will deliver our dogs to just about anywhere across the country. Each and every dog is family oriented thus giving you the peace of mind when your toddlers, or children.

TyCal k9s

k9 sales

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Your Dog Deserves the Best