Group Training Classes

What We Offer

Group training can be a fun way for your canine to learn and can give your dog the kickstart he or she needs to change behaviors.

In group classes, individuals can bring their pup to an environment conducive to learning. By constantly challenging pups with quizzes we get your dog trained quickly and efficiently.

Your dog will be able to understand and respect boundaries before you know it.

 If your dog has barking issues, social issues, jumping, nipping or any negative behavior our group programs will have them excelling in no time. 


Our philosophy is based in good communication. This is no different in any group work. By establishing a well understood communication system your dog will begin excelling in distracting environments. This is a two-way street and dog owners are required to learn the communications and body language to competently communicate with their canine.

Intermediate group sessions are also available for any dog that fits into the age bracket. Typically they must do the beginner obedience courses before group. We will work with all different ages and experience levels. 

Beginner Group Class

Dogs learn the basic obedience cues in this course. Dogs will learn how to focus and perform obedience cues even with the distraction of their other doggy classmates.


This class is particularly good for young puppy training. By reaching out we can put your pup in a program with dogs his or her age. This ensures that every young puppy gets socialized with similarly aged dogs. 

Intermediate Group Class

This course is designed for those handlers who have completed basic obedience with their dogs and are moving towards “off-leash” control and obedience.

Intermediate group sessions are also available for any dog that fits into the age bracket. Typically they must do the beginner obedience courses before this group.


We will work with all different ages and experience levels.

Advanced Group Class

This class is designed for those whose dogs are already “off-leash” trained. In this course ENVIRONMENT is the name of the game.

We meet at different locations every class to test and proof the dog and handler.


The advanced group sessions consist of on-leash and off-leash training. This level of session typically is reserved for work and service dogs. Real advanced training gives your dog the ability to not only listen to commands but understand them. This equips each pup with the ability to understand commands and have self-control.